
We deal waste material a crushing blow!

Posted On : November 24, 2022

Within the construction industry, an excess of unwanted excavated material  can pose problems. In bulk earthworks this waste material is deemed unsuitable for filling if it contains any rock. Typically, this leftover rock is removed to a quarry or other site for crushing and reuse.

As industry leaders who have excelled in the construction industry for over 45 years, Montdami Constructions maintain an innovative and forward thinking culture. Continuous improvement and cost efficiency are also part of our ethos, and all these values contribute to the client satisfaction and environmental sustainability which have helped to establish our reputation for quality and excellence. 

Applying these values to the problem of excess waste material, in 2017 our technology experts came up with a viable solution – a mobile rock crushing plant that can be taken to all relevant sites and used to crush what would previously have been waste matter, repurposing it as crushed rock, a usable construction material.

The benefits of this technology are both financial and environmental, and of course any increases in our operational efficiency also lead to benefits for our clients and stakeholders. 

Repurposing the unwanted excavated material saves purchasing additional crushed rock fill, saving money and natural resources. It also reduces the company’s carbon footprint by decreasing the use of heavy vehicles to remove the material from the site and transport it to another site for processing. 

While there are mobile rock crushers available for hire, we have a distinct advantage in having acquired our own – we are proactive with its maintenance and any repairs required, and our staff are trained in the safest and most efficient usage and operation. We view the machine as another valuable addition to our agile and adaptable team of construction experts. 

In addition to our own use of repurposed rock, there are significant requirements for the material in other industries such as road construction. In smaller quantities, the landscaping industry is also a potential customer. We can provide these industries and purchasers with a quality product at a competitive price due to our efficient processing method. 

Of course, the construction industry is very highly regulated, and as a responsible and environmentally aware company we always strive to meet and even exceed industry standards. There are different specifications for crushed rock, particularly for use in road construction. With a focus on continuous improvement, we are fine tuning our methodology to ensure that we continue to meet and exceed the most exacting standards and quality – the way we have always done.

If you would like more information on our innovative and future-focused technology, please contact Jun on 0487 255 276. 

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